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В темноте все кошки серы // Все лЮди (предметы) в темноте кажутся одинаковыми. |
On their left they passed an alcove which contained two marЫe
statues, stalwart nymphs clasping their draperies in an agony of
Victorian propriety. "They are not what is admired nowadays,"
admitted Poirot. "But no doubt they cost much money in their
time. They look better bу night, I think." "Уes, one sees only
а white glimmering figure." Poirot murmured : ''All cats are grey
in thе dark !" ( Christie)
"I wish you would think of what I said to you the other day. Come over to America with us, and I will put you in the way of doing some business. У ou have got а very good head, if you will only use it. " Valentin made а genial grimace. "Му head is much obliged to you. Do you mean the place in а bank?" "There are several places, but I suppose you would consider the bank the most aristocratic." Valentin burst into а laugh. "Му dear fellow, at night all cats are grey ! When one derogates there are no degrees." (James) Не chuckled, "How can they help creating dismal works of art ? У ou see they live in the twilight of capitalism .. . and as we say, in tЬе twilight all cats seem gray." (Ch. and D. Carter) |